Saturday, March 5, 2011

Smooth, Sweet and Smitten Saturdays

Whenever she happens to walk by, why does the apple of my eye -
Overlook and disregard my feelings no matter how much I try?
Smooth lyrics, Sweet message, from a Smitten artist
For this weeks love song, I decided to go with an old school favorite that's been on my mind HEAVY lately. It's a song by an old school group called The Pharcyde from the West Coast. These guys have a really cool style and have a whole collection of great music (I should know, I have their whole discography).

A lot of people know this song - better yet they know this situation. I mean, fellas . . think about that girl you see constantly and can never get to. And everyone tells you just to let it go:
See she's my type of hype and I can't stand when brothers tell me
That I should quit chasin' and look for something better
But the smile that she shows makes me a go-getter
Check out the video below:  

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