Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hip Hop Lives

For those of you who may have been wondering where I got the quote for my blog above, and learn from KRS-One something about the true essence of Hip-Hop. A very much optimistic take on it. This is one of those songs that, personally, I enjoy more for just the lyrics. The music itself doesn't sound too great. What do you all think?
Hip means to know
It's a form of intelligence
To be hip is to be up-date and relevant
Hop is a form of movement
You can't just observe a hop
You got to hop up and do it
Hip and Hop is more than music
Hip is the knowledge
Hop is the movement
Hip and Hop is intelligent movement
Or relevant movement
We selling the music
So write this down on your black books and journals
Hip Hop culture is eternal

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