Saturday, February 26, 2011

Smooth, Sweet, and Smitten Saturdays

So the idea of having a day where I deviate a bit from the general theme of this blog has actually sat well with me recently. As somewhat of a romantic, I'd like to share with you all the long, long list of beautiful romance songs that I listen to occasionally. This day is certainly not limited to the Hip Hop genre, because the goal is to share music that touches on some of the powerful elements that Hip Hop itself portrays.  

Smooth lyrics and a Sweet message from a Smitten artist.

So in the spirit of Hip Hop! To start us off here's the song with my favorite romantic lyrical content.

Lady Brown by Nujabes ft. Cise Starr of CYNE
Not only is this song one of my favorite romantic Hip Hop song, it's surprisingly rather recent. Also, the producer - Nujabes - (who unfortunately passed away last February 2010) created some of the most soulful beats I have heard from a recent producer. His music has a lot of jazz influence, and his genius is all over one of my favorite anime series called Samurai Champloo (learn about anime/manga at a fellow classmate's blog here!: Otaku Novice)

Nujabes beats, smooth and powerful lyrics by Cise Starr, and a lovely young lady to keep in mind.
I don't know anyone who wouldn't like this song.

Rest in Beats, Jun Seba (Nujabes).

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